ENAGEO has Six patent in Seismic Acquisition and Seismic Reservoir Characterization field. These patents correspond to the different methods and processes such as the quantitative estimation of the porosity from the acoustic impedances of the longitudinal and transverse waves in compact tanks which obtained in 2013 the 3rd innovation prize in Algeria, where the first patent, obtained in 2010 for the harmonic noise attenuation method by time-varying filtering with reference. ENAGEO was also crowned with a patent and 1st innovation prize in Algeria in 2017 with a Method for estimating total organic carbon (COT).
Our Solution:
ENAGEO ADVANCE, For high productivity using slip sweep method
TortuoSolution, Method for quantitative estimation of Tortuosity
PoroSolution, Method for quantitative estimation of porosity
LithoSolution, Method for estimating the volume of clay (Vclay)
CarboSolution, Method for estimating total organic carbon (COT)
ALFSweep, Analytic Low Frequency Sweep Desig
Patent 1: ENAGEO ADVANCE : (link)
Harmonic noise attenuation method by time-variant filtering with reference, the best solution to preserve data quality in slip sweep acquisition technique
Patent 2 : Tortuosity : (link)
Method for evaluating quantitatively fluid tortuosity, solid and fluid characteristics in a heterogeneous reservoir.
Patent 3 : PoroSolution : (link)
Method for the quantitative estimation of porosity from acoustic impedances of longitudinal and transverse waves in compact reservoir.
Patent 4 : LithoSolution : (link)
Method for estimating the volume of clay (Vclay) from the formation density, porosity and acoustic velocities inclay-sandstone reservoirs.
Patent 5: CarboSolution : (link)
Method for estimating total organic carbon (TOC) from acoustic velocities and total porosity (φt) in a bedrock.
Patent 6: Analytic Low Frequency : (link)
Sweep Design (A LFSWeep)
Analytic solution to improve the low-frequency content of land seismic data acquired using vibroseis source.
Porosity, the most important petrophysical parameter for the reservoir characterization, is always considered by geoscientists as the key for hydrocarbon reserves evaluation. So, best reservoir evaluation is strongly depending on porosity estimation. Actually, Probabilistic and Stochastic used models are based on established relationship between porosity and different recorded petrophysical parameters at well; the obtained results are generally acceptable in homogeneous and isotropic reservoirs.
ENAGEO has developed for you a new deterministic solution that provides an answer to all your complaints :
This new solution is based on petrophysical attributes extracted from seismic data
using stratigraphic inversion:
• P Impedance
• S Impedance
• Bulk Density