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ENAGEO provides geotechnical investigations

Geotechnical investigation are carried out in accordance to international standards and guidelines in order to guarantee and assure quality and retability. The final Geotechnical investigation Report includes all information requeted.

Our Geotechnical Services team is experienced working with owners, facilities managers, developers, and governmental agencies. We support a wide range of project types including commercial, industrial, infrastructural, and renewable energy developments. We have  a significant experience, knowledge and  the most import collected data in particular in central processing facilities in Algeria and, therefore, can assist clien in their projects.

Scope of work of Geotechnical Investigation :
ENAGEO-Geotechnical engineering consults and establishes the geoechnical investigation program with respect to project specifications( type of structuren difficultyof structure, expecte ground conditions, data collection ) to support enginneering design activities.
All work shall be performed  in accordance with the requirements of all statutory authorities, all applicable international survey and safety standards, including but not limited to:
  • List of codes and standards to be applied ( geotechnical site investigation, drilling ethodes in soil/rock, sampling of soil/rock/groundwater, firld testing, geotechnical laboatory testing odf soil/rock/ roundwater charaacteristics);
  • Drawing and layoits;
  • Number , mapping/location,depth of boreholes and trial pits;
  • Soil and rock drilling& sapling methods ( Soil Investigations);
  • Number of distrubed and undistrubed soil samples;
  • In-situ tets;
  • Ground water monitoring;
  • Geotechnical laboratory testing program.
ENAGEO performs geotechnical investigations following requirements if client disposes of specialists.

Geotechnical Investigation Programme :

ENAGEO - geotechnical engineering consults and establishes the geotechnical investigation programme with respect to the project specifications (type of structure, difficulty of structure, expected ground conditions, data collection) including but not limited to :
  • List of technical standards to be applied (geotechnical site investigation, drilling methods in soil / rock, sampling of soil / rock / groundwater, field testing, geotechnical laboratory testing of soil / rock / groundwater characteristics)
  • Number, mapping / location, depth of boreholes 
  • Soil and rock drilling & sampling methods (Soil Investigations)
  • Number of standard penetration tests (SPT)
  • Number of field vane shear tests
  • Number of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
  • Number of undisturbed rock samples
  • Ground water sampling 
  • Geotechnical laboratory testing programme

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Field Investigation :

Preparation of Field Investigation Works
  • Work planning on manpower and equipment with respect to the Programme;
  • Mobilization and geotechnical drilling team, supervision personnel and equipment; 
  • Survey and Set-out of borehole coordinates;
  • Proper Handling, Warehousing and Transport of Samples to the Geotechnical Laboratory
Drilling Works :
Drilling works will be carried out by using drilling rigs having the capacity to drill in the sizes and to the termination requirements or depths instructed. We can provide rotary drilling methods into soil and rock strata applying different types of flushing media (depending on the existing / encountered soil conditions). In the particular case of encountering rock layers the appropriate boring / coring method should base on single tube core barrel or double tube core barrel being capable of recovering rock cores.
Soil Sampling & Soil Investigations :
The undisturbed samples will be taken at certain intervals to the borehole depth termination and at the change of strata in borehole under application of various sampling methods and respective technical standards. Disturbed samples can be derived from selected recovered cores of standard penetration tests (SPT). For detailed guidance on the suitability of various soil sampling techniques in different types of soil, our geotechnical expert will provide professional advice. Sampling, handling, labeling and transport of samples will be executed in strict adherence with international standards and guidelines.


Geotechnical Field Investigation :
  • Drilling of boreholes;
  • Soil sampling;
  • Rock coring and rock sampling;
  • In-situ tests;
  • Final quantity report on field investigation works
Geotechnical Laboratory Testing :
  • Index properties tests (moisture content tests, unit weight tests, specific gravity tests, atterberg limits tests, particle size distribution tests);
  • Engineering properties tests (unconfined compression strength tests, consolidation / oedometer tests, consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests);
  • Rock strength properties tests (point load tests, uniaxial compression strength tests);
  • Chemical analysis of ground water;
  • Final quantity report on laboratory tests.
Evaluation of Soil Conditions and Soil Parameters :
  • Soil profile; 
  • Deformation properties of soft clay layers (pre-consolidation pressure and over consolidated ratio, compression, coefficient of primary consolidation index, cecondary consolidation);
  • Strength parameters (undrained shear strength, strength parameters from CIU tests, SPT-N values).
Geotechnical investigations report :
The final Geotechnical Investigation Report includes information and recommendations as listed below
  • Description of proposed onstruction, including recommendation for final grade elevation;
  • Propose and scope of investigation;
  • Abstract of finding and recommendation.

Site Conditions :

  • Site local geology, general description;
  • Site surface and topography description.

Subsurface Conditions :

  • Stratigraphy, subsurface material properties, description;
  • Groundwater elevations( with respect to nearest construction datum);
  • Description of undeground obstructions encountered or otherwise;

Field Investigation :

  • Summary of operations;
  • Description of sampling procedures;
  • Description  of fiel tests;
  • Logs of borings, sounding, pits, well,...etc;     
    • Complete description and thickness of all strata including near-surface materiel such as paving, base course topsoil, fill, etc. 
    • Ground elevations  referencing nearest construction datum;
    • Standard penetration test values in blow per six-inch increment;
    • Results of all field tests.
  • Location plan.             

Laboratory Test

  • Description of tests;
  • Test results.

Soil and Groundwater Properties

  • Unit weight of soil( in kN/m3);
  • Cohesion (in KN/m2) and angle of internal friction;
  • Chemical analysis and  other properties of soil at depths of structural elements and utilities;
  • Electrical and thermal resistivity of soil;
  • Permeability (in cm/sec).

General Foundation Recommendations

  • Foundation recommendations to be based on considerationthat:
  • Type (s) of foundation recommended;
  • Basis of secting recommended foundation type (s) selected;
  • Recommendations for deep foundations regardless of foundation type selected;
  • recommendations for shallo foundation regardless of foundation type selected;
  • Soil strength parameters used in determining design capacities;
  • Ground improvementrecommendations;
  • Bearing Capacity of Engineering fill;

Shallow Foundation Recommendations

  • Spread footings: Depth below grade,size and shape restrictions;
  • Mat foundations: Depth below garde, modulus of subgrade reaction ( in KN/m2);
  • Tank foundations, recommendations and restriction, excavation and backfill, ring wall or matconsideration;
  • Vibratory equipement foundations: Dynamic young's Modulus, Dynamic Shear Modulus, Shears Modulus, Poisson's ration,Shear ware Velocity, Internal damping , and other consideration:
  •  Ultimate and allowable net soil bearing capacity( in KPa);
    • Foundation Settlement (in mm);
    • Differential settlement.


Earth Pressures and Retaining walls /Earthwork / Excavation Consideration / Pavements and Slabs on Grade / Other Consideration / Dikes and Embankments / Foundation protection.