Sincus Geophysical software




Pack Scincus Geophysical Software developped by ENAGEO’s R&D team:

- Scincus Log: Petrophysical software

- Scincus Rock: Geomechanical software

- Scincus LRS: Low Resistivity solution software

- Scincus SRC : Seismic Reservoir Characterization software

                              - Scincus SWS: Seismic Well Solution software

                              - Scincus Geologia: Dressing log, master log and hydrocarbon log


Scincus Rock



Scincus Log solution, work result of expert team and developers which offers all conventional solutions

for reliable petrophysical reservoir formation evaluation ; In addition, it has the exclusivity to propose solutions to difficult problems often error sources in the formation evaluation such as the presence of radioactive sandstone.

In our clients projects, the Vshale module of Scincus Log solution has proven its reliability in discrimination between clay and radioactive sandstone.

Our exclusives solutions (patents)

Vshale Module

Porosolution Module

Tortuosity Module

 Scincus Log




Scincus Rock is our solution for geomechanic studies. It allows to calculate the elastic module and the different stresses at reservoir formation to determine potential areas for hydraulic fracturing.