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We promote a Local Content Strategy

We have the potential to stimulate broad-based economic development, which is necessary to alleviate poverty, achieve prosperity and ensure sustainable economic and social outcomes.

As a National Oil Company, we should play a prominent role in implementing local content. Our involvement in this process can lead to positive local content and offer a great benefits for all parties.
Our country are still developing local content strategies should consider running training programmes through Enterprise Centres in order to develop skills in the local economy and promote the reputation of local companies as good corporate citizens.


Mission :

Building linkages through local content policies is a measure that can bring about longer-term benefits to the country’s economy.We also particpate As a National industry along the oil and gas value chain and skills to the development of local employees in the oil and gas sector.

In 2022 ENAGEO have also organized an information and awareness day on investment opportunities between ENAGEO and the best Algerian Start-Up in order to prepare a great challenge and promote the development of local content allowing young project leaders and innovative solutions to meet the major challenges of the Energy sector.