More than 50 years exploration of Hydrocarbon.

DJI 013334

ENAGEO: A performing geophysics company serving the oil and gas industry.

During the last ten year, ENAGEO has accumulated in Seismic land acquisition and Processing the following Kms :   
2D Seismic Aquisition 140.000 Km 3D Seismic Aquisition 150.000 Km² 
2D Seismic Processing 130.000 Km 3D Seismic Processing 120.000 Km² 

ENAGEO is  the unique National land geophysical service company to offer a wide range of specialized geophysical solutions to the petroleum and mining industries, in Algeria  and in neighboring countries (Mali, Niger, Libya,

Tunisia, Oman).

Services include, 2D/3D Land seismic data acquisition, processing, interpretation and reservoir characterization. Include also the VSP, resistivity, grav-mag, Topography and water wells drilling.

We have a great experience in land seismic data acquisition in all types of terrain. We are the leader in Africa in the acquisition of seismic data with a capacity of 11 seismic crews. Our clients are National and International oil companies.




E.NA.GEO is Algerian –based geophysical company founded  in 1981 from two structures of Sonatrach.

ALGEO: Joint Venture between Sonatrach and TELEDYNE (American geophysical company) created on 1967.

DTP : Geophysical and Topographical directions of Sonatrach




Our geographic reach encompasses a wide variety of challenging environments,  sand dunes, harsh areas, cliffs, mountains and hills.