We also have initiatives that are contributing to the safety of the people in the communities where we live and work.

Since 1997, ENAGEO worked with a safety management system which had been developed according the OGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producer and IAGC International Association of Geophysical Contractors guidelines.

In 2004, ENAGEO has developed an integrated system “QHSE” Quality Health, Safety and Environment in accordance with the international standards:

ISO 9001-2000     /   ISO 14001-2004 / OHSAS 18001-1999

The system was updated In September 2009 in accordance with the following standards:

ISO 9001-2008   /   ISO 14001-2004   /   OHSAS 18001-2007

In 2018, ENAGEO did an update of the management system to standards :

ISO 9001-2015   /   ISO 14 001-2015.

In 2021, ENAGEO migrate to the new standard ISO 45001 2018. ISO 45001 is a global standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems that provides a practical solution to improve the safety and health of both employees and other personnel.

Why we choose The new ISO 45001 standard :

To Ensure safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and pathologies

Demonstrates brand responsibility by committing to safe, healthy and sustainable work :

Improves hazard identification and risk assessment

Eliminate hazards and minimize OHS risks

Reduces downtime, overall costs of incidents at the workplace and the number of insurance premiums claimed

Enhances the involvement of leadership and participation from workers

Management System:

To Helps in building trust and brand integrity by providing an assurance that our management system qualifies the requirements of the international standard

The certification also demonstrates that the management system complies with the international standard

Validates the capability of Our organisation and provides assurance in proposing profitmaking partnerships